Editorial and Peer Review processes

Global Journal for Research Analysis applies a double blind peer review. Referees remain anonymous for the author during the review procedure and the authors name is removed from the manuscript under review. Only after publication, and only with the permission of the referee, the names of the reviewers are published in the article. Each article is first assessed by two of the editors of the editorial board and, if it is judged suitable for GJRA, it is sent to two or three external referees for a double blind peer review. GJRA uses three different review forms (Research and Theory, Integrated Care Cases, Policy papers) all of which apply scientific criteria and take account of the purpose of the article and its merits for integrated care. Based on the recommendations of the reviewers, the editors then decide whether the paper should be accepted as is, revised or rejected. In case of revisions, a final decision on publication will be made after resubmission. If there is no agreement on the part of the editors, the editor-in-chief will make the final decision.

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